The Nursery Curriculum
Our nursery provides a curriculum for children 0-2, 2-3 years and 3-5 years.
Curriculum for Excellence and the Pre Birth to Three is now the basis for our planning, teaching and assessment. It enables staff to plan with the children, experiences which promote effective learning through planned purposeful play which meets the needs of the individual child.
Burnbrae Children Centre adheres to the ‘Curriculum for Excellence. 3-18’ Outcomes and Guidelines and ‘Pre-Birth to 3’ curriculum. We also follow the guidance in Education Scotland’s ‘How Good is our Early Learning and Childcare’ ,‘Assessment is for Learning’ documentation and the Care Inspectorate’s Care Standards.
From the Pre-Birth to 3 curriculum, the experiences we offer are based on:
Numeracy and Mathematics
Health and Wellbeing: Emotional, Social and Personal Wellbeing
Health and Wellbeing: Emotional, Movement and Co-ordination
Outdoor Learning
We aim to provide an enriched learning environment meeting the needs of each individual child through the ‘Pre-Birth to 3’ document. The children will take part in a wide variety of experiences covering five curricular headings Literacy, Health and Wellbeing Emotional, Social and Personal Wellbeing, Health and Wellbeing Movement and Co-ordination, Numeracy and Mathematics and Curiosity.
The planning has four key principles which form the basis of this guidance, The Rights of the child, Relationships, Responsive Care and Respect. All staff working with young children should be aware that these key principles are interrelated and interdependent.
All staff regularly record and share significant observations along with selecting planned learning outcomes that meet the needs of each individual child.
At Burnbrae Children Centre , we work in partnership with parents/carers in sharing information about their child with each child having their own individual learning folder and personal plan and also through our home links sheets/information sheets. Please see staff if you require any further information.
Materials to support this curriculum will be found in the link below
The experiences and outcomes we offer children are from the 3-18 curriculum and are based on:
We also promote the principles of GIRFEC (Getting it Right for Every Child); Rights of the Child, Respect and Relationships. A copy of this document can be obtained from the Head of Centre.
We offer children Active Learning experiences by:
- Encouraging understanding of what has been learned
· Sharing experiences with the child
· Providing positive feedback and praise
· Encouraging children to share responsibility for the selection and maintenance of resources
· Allowing time for children to explore, initiate and extend play
· Creating space in which children may play alone or with others and be creative
· Providing materials and equipment, which are varied and plentiful and appropriate to the children’s culture, experience and interests.
- Encouraging the development of each child’s creativity.
- Providing a safe and stimulating environment in which children feel happy and secure.
- Providing opportunities to engage the children’s interests and imagination.
- Encouraging positive attitudes.
- Extending the children’s abilities to communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas in a variety of ways.
- Encouraging the children to reach their full potential.
Parents are encouraged to work in partnership with us to help their child and they are regularly kept up to date on their child’s progress.
To read more follow link below-