Burnbrae Childrens Centre

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Primary Schools

Primary Schools

Our Local Primary Schools

Cleeves Primary School
271 Househillmuir Road
G53 6NL
T: 0141 880 5305

Gowanbank Primary School
1 Craigbank Drive
G53 6RA
T: 0141 881 2193

St Bernards Primary School
14-16 Dove Street
G53 7BP
T: 0141 881 7934

Primary School Enrolment

School enrolment takes place in November and January. Your child must be 4 years old by the end of February for them to enrol at school that year.

Placement Request

If you would like your child to attend a Primary School out with your catchment area, then you must complete a placement request.  You still enrol at your child at your catchment school online and then submit a placing request. You will be notified of the school's decision in April. If you are unsure of your catchement area you can check it here.