Burnbrae Childrens Centre

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For an update for parents from Maureen McKenn December 2020 click here


If your child is turning 5  years old between 1 March 2021 and the 28 February 2022.

Parents/carers of those children due to start school in August 2021 you should now register your childr for the appropriate local primary school during the week commencing Monday 2 to Friday 6 November 2020.

To register you should now complete an online application and submit no later than Friday 6 November 2020.

To find your local catchment schools plese click on link here

To access online enrolement for please click  on the link here


Press on the following link for the latest, up-to-date advice on Covid-19 testing http://www.burnbrae-nursery.glasgow.sch.uk/Websites/SchNurBurnbrae/UserFiles/file/Final%20Parent%20and%20Guardian%20Let%2027%20Aug%2020.pdf 


Update Letter from Maureen McKenna click http://www.burnbrae-nursery.glasgow.sch.uk/Websites/SchNurBurnbrae/UserFiles/file/MMcK%20Parents%20Letter%20Nursery30%20July%202020(1).pdfhere




Message from Director of Education - 30/07/2020 14:42:20
Here is the latest update from Maureen McKenna , Director of Education. Please be advised that we will contact you by phone about your child returning ... (Read more)