Burnbrae Childrens Centre

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ASN / Accessibility Strategy
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The establishment has a duty to ensure that all our children and young people have equal access to the curriculum, supported as appropriate to their individual needs.  This covers not only the content of planned activities and teaching strategies but also minor adaptations to the physical environment of our building to address the needs of children with physical or sensory impairments, including the relocation of playrooms to ground floors where feasible.  We also need to ensure that parents/carers who have a disability have equal access to information about their child.  This will involve, for example, relocating the venue for parents/carers meetings to facilitate physical access, provision of an interpreter for people who have a hearing impairment; agreeing a phone contact system to provide direct feedback to parents/carers.


If a child is identified as requiring additional support to help them learn then the Head of Centre will meet with you to discuss our concerns.  Where it becomes apparent that a child is in need of such assistance for whatever reason then every effort is made to consider how best to use the resources we have at our disposal for that child’s benefit. Parental co-operation is absolutely vital and staff will meet regularly with parents/carers to discuss how best to support the children.


If your child requires additional support for learning i.e. delayed speech, poor vision or behavioural problems, we would consult with you and offer support and advice and if necessary we would refer you to the appropriate agency e.g. speech therapy, psychological services. Nobody will be contacted without prior discussion with yourself. Parents can of course make referrals via their GP or Health Visitor.


Should your child have an additional support need we will work in partnership with you to identify additional support strategies all which would aid your child in accessing all curricular activities.