Burnbrae Childrens Centre

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Equal opportunities and Social Inclusion
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Burnbrae Childrens Centre is a nursery which strives to develop and maintain a positive environment where everyone is valued and children, parents and staff work together in partnership. Equalities legislation has been put in place relating to race, gender, age, disability, religion or belief and sexual orientation and, in line with council policy, it is the responsibility of all staff in Burnbrae to ensure that all children access the whole curriculum.

At Burnbrae we strive to respond in such a way that barriers to participation, learning and achievement are removed, inclusion and equality are promoted and a high quality education for all is developed and sustained. These principals are reflected in the criteria used to admit children to nursery and in the curriculum of all establishments.

Information on local services and advice is displayed in the foyer. Further queries related to this may be made via the nursery office or to any member of staff.